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Health Benefits of Popular Dry Fruits

Indian customs have always emphasized on the exchange of fruits, dry fruits and sweets on special occasions – be it festivals or personal celebrations. A handful of dry fruits every day offers some of the most outstanding health benefits for just about anyone. Here are just some of the benefits of dry fruits you would like to bestow on all those you care about.


Almonds (Badaam): Good for weight loss and to lower your blood pressure, almonds are good for your golu-molu plus-sized friends and relatives. Almonds help the vital organs of our body to function properly and promote creation of new blood cells.


They help ease constipation too. So, if you have a father like Piku does, gift him a box of badaam. World Cancer Research Fund confirmed that almonds can prevent cancer. If you are sending almonds to a girl, you can share this beauty tip too: Almonds grounded with milk cream and rose petals make the skin soft and fair.


Raisins (Kishmish): Sweet dried grapes have a lot of fructose and glucose. Packed with energy, raisins might not be suitable for fat people but are surely an ideal snack for athletes and body builders. High fibre is good for all digestion-related problems – including constipation and acidity.Iron-rich kishmish is good for your libido. Eat raisins for your bones and teeth as they have calcium and ‘boron’ which helps absorption of calcium and formation of bones. Raisins can prevent osteoporosis in menopausal women and great for joints.


Cashew Nut (Kaju): Yummy kaju have high energy density, proteins and dietary fibre and hence are great for weight management. Magnesium helps menopausal women to sleep well at night and is good for bone, muscle and dental health.


Irrespective of popular myths, cashew nuts have no cholesterol! Instead, they have healthy mono- unsaturated fats that are good for cardiovascular health. Rich in antioxidants, cashews help you get rid of free radicals – one of the main causes of cancer


Pistachios (Pista): Pista, when eaten raw, is good for diabetics. It helps stabilize blood sugar and protects one’s heart too. Carotenoids in pistachios are good for eyes. With a lot of fibers, pistachios keep one full for a longer period of time, prevents constipation, and maintains functioning of digestive system normal.


Pistachios have good fats and a healthy dose of Vitamin B6, which are good for cardiovascular health. They are also a good source of vegetable protein.


Walnut (Akhrot): The shape of the walnuts gives an idea of what they are good for – brain! Apparently, Omega-3 fatty acids they contain make up 60% of our brain; is good for asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema and psoriasis; and great for our cardiovascular health too.Akhrot has antioxidant melatonin in walnuts which can help you sleep better. Walnuts are an excellent source for proteins, Vitamin B, fibre and minerals like iron, copper, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus. They reduce the risk of two most dreaded diseases – Cancer and Alzheimer’s



Dates (Khajoor): High on calories and energy, dates or khajoor have been traditionally used by Arabs for survival. Good for your thinnest relatives, dates have all essential vitamins, proteins, sugars and fats. They are good for your intestine too – helping good bacteria to grow and killing other pathological organisms.

Eating dates daily can also prevent atherosclerosis – a major cause of heart attacks and strokes. What’s more - Dates can help you cure out of your alcoholic intoxication too.


So go ahead, and choose just the perfect dry fruit for your loved ones. Be sure to be mindful of specific medical advice and guidance while choosing / consuming dry fruits for specific reasons.

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